Marquis Creative Graphic Design

Be Authentic. 

Your logo should communicate the spirit your brand would like to convey. The colors, style and typography of your logo should be true to your product or business.

Be Unique. 

Your name, logo or mark should be original and easily distinguished from other business’s. Be creative when designing your visual identity.

Consider Your Color. 

Consider the emotions your colors portray. For example, red ignites passion, and blues can have a calming effect. Consider your own emotions, too.  If your favorite color is kelly green, you may want kelly green logo.

K.I.S.S. (Keep it simple, stupid.) 

Taglines and marks should easy to read to convey your brand and message. Keep it short and sweet! Less is more in logo design. Don’t use a lot where a little will do.

Be Consistent.

Your logo, your mark, and your typestyle should all be used in the same way, every time. It takes time and consistency to build brand recognition.